Thank You and Best Wishes in Your Retirement Linda Slattery!
Board, staff, docents and friends celebrating Linda’s retirement.
The Board and Staff of the Truckee Donner Land Trust would like to express our heartfelt thanks and best wishes to Linda Slattery, our outgoing administrator, in her retirement.
“Linda is a vital part of our team and brought a variety of skills as well as a can-do attitude to tasks that went well beyond her job description,” said John Svahn, executive director of the Land Trust.
Along with managing the Land Trust office, Linda also helped numerous other departments, managed our board of director meetings and spearheaded the docent hike program. We are excited that Linda will still be helping out at the Land Trust after her retirement, continuing her work with the docent program and joining our Advisory Council.
The Land Trust is grateful for her time with us, and looks forward to seeing her out on the trail!