Webber Lake Hotel Preservation Project Successful
The hotel sits on its new foundation.
The Webber Lake Hotel, built in 1860 and integral to the early overland emigrant experience, is an important piece of history still standing after more than 150 years later.
But built without a foundation, it has been leaning over, sinking into the ground, in danger of collapse. This summer, the Land Trust set about to preserve the hotel. A team of expert engineers and architects carefully lifted the hotel - passing massive i-beams through the first-story windows and jacking up the entire building in order to pour a proper foundation underneath.
The hotel was recently lowered onto the new foundation, stabilizing it into the future. Next up, the Land Trust will re-construct the flooring and re-create the museum space in the front with historic artifacts and pictures for visitors to enjoy.
Named to the National Register of Historic Places in 2018, the hotel was a key stop on Henness Pass Road before the railroad brought emigrants to California. After the railroad, it became a popular tourist destination, with famous guests like Red Cross founder Clara Barton, and painter Thomas Hill.
This project costs $300,000, so your support and donations are greatly appreciated. Thanks to those who have already given!